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How to make a fridge in Minecraft

So what you need is a black banner (or a white if you want a black fridge and white handle), a block of quartz, a hopper, a Dispenser, and if you are using the black banner you need a handful of Bone meal (if using white banner use Ink sac instead of Bone meal.

Dig one block down and place a Dispenser. Then crouch down and place down the hopper. On top of the hopper place down the block of quartz. Get the black banner (or white) and go to a crafting table and do this with banners If white banner replace the Bone meal with inc sacs)

If Black banner

White Paly

White Fess

White Bordure

White Per pale inverted

White Pale

If White banner

Black Paly

Black Fess

Black Bordure

Black Per pale inverted

Black Pale

Place down the banner on the block of quartz. Now Place down the Pressure plate as shown on the Image. You may now store food by clicking the banner where the hopper is and anding food. The food will be placed into the dispenser and when you land on the pressure plate you will get 1 kind of food. THIS IS MY FIRST POST

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